
BELEF – Belgrade summer festival
BELEF – Belgrade summer festival

If you are a fan of authentic music, dance, theater, and visual arts programs - BELEF is the right event for you! This international festival is one of the specifics of the Belgrade cultural scene, and its first contact with the audience was in 1991. Since then, the manifestation program has never ceased to amaze with its specific concepts and topics. The focus of the diverse program is to confront the local and global, as well as the traditional and contemporary artistic expression, which offers a specific encounter of the Serbian cultural scene with the world. This year's BELEF, called "Doleti", will be organized at several locations in the city from June 21 to July 7.

BITEF – Belgrade international theatre festival
BITEF – Belgrade international theatre festival

BITEF, as one of the most contemporary theater concepts, has become an indispensable part of the Serbian art scene as well as many European festivals. The BITEF program is constantly following the latest theatrical trends, and so far has offered numerous stage performances, often of a controversial and unconventional character, as well as significant classical performances. Over the past decade, BITEF has marked new developments in the world of mainstream, post-drama and non-verbal stage expression, as well as those realized with the help of new technologies, thus opening the door to the virtual reality of cyber theater. This year's BITEF, called "Let's start love from scratch," will be organized from September 17 to 26, and a diverse program will be available at various locations in the city.

FEST – International film festival
FEST – International film festival

Conceived as an annual cross-section of the best films of the season, FEST has become a must-see event for all lovers of domestic and foreign filmmaking. FEST offers numerous well known and less known cinematography solutions to the audience, and expands views in such a way and introduces the most famous directors and works of cinema. Every year, all visitors and residents of the Serbian capital can enjoy numerous FEST screenings.


In the heart of Belgrade, you will find the largest and most authentic city park. Its peculiarity lies in the medieval heritage that has been preserved to this day and is considered to be the most important monument of culture. Kalemegdan is located at the confluence of two rivers, comprising the Belgrade Fortress, which was once Belgrade's main military stronghold and the Kalemegdan Park, which was a plateau intended for observation and reception of enemy forces. The plateau was transformed into a park in the eighties of the 19th century and since then it has been a favorite gathering place of Belgrade and many visitors of our city.

Knez Mihailova street
Knez Mihailova street

One of the main personalities of the city center is certainly the Knez Mihailova Street, which welcomes and bids farewell to numerous tourists and visitors every year and is a daily meeting place for many Belgrade citizens. Knez Mihailova Street, as a pedestrian zone and shopping center, is a street that offers a wide variety of amenities, ranging from cafes and restaurants, through the shops of renowned local and foreign brands, to a large number of galleries and cultural and historical monuments. This street represents one of the oldest and most valuable urban ambiances and is characterized by numerous buildings and houses that were built in the late 1970s.

National Museum in Belgrade
National Museum in Belgrade

In the center of the city is the oldest museum institution in Serbia - the National Museum. With its distinctive exterior and structure, the National Museum preserves the complex cultural heritage of the central Balkans and Europe, that is, culture from prehistory to the present. All its visitors can enjoy more than 400,000 exhibits and archeological and cultural-historical objects that have been collected and stored within the museum itself for years. 

Museum night
Museum night

One of the nights in Belgrade that no lover of art and science should miss is the Museum Night. Museum Night is a specific concept of cultural manifestation, which allows visiting a large number of museums during one night, and even those that are not open to visitors during the rest of the year. Then each museum, in addition to the standard settings, prepares for the guests an additional program and facilities. The event is held in more than 120 cities around the world, including the Serbian capital since 2005. In Belgrade, the Museum Night for all interested parties is held once a year, which gives this event a special charm.

October Salon
October Salon

Belgrade is the capital of many artistic and cultural events, and one of them is the October Salon. The October Salon is intended for all lovers of the visual arts and aims to present the most up-to-date and significant national and foreign creations. The program is always diverse and specific, and visitors have the opportunity to attend exhibitions, workshops, lectures, round tables, and various performances. From its first organization, the Salon changed its concept and program, whereby in 2004 it gained international character and became an indispensable manifestation of the domestic art scene.